Pedro The Lion – Control

Pedro The Lion – Control

Well Happy New Year everyone! This is the first post for the new year and first of 365!

Today’s album is Pedro The Lion’s Control. I freaking love this album. I am a sucker for slow guitar blended with emotional lyrics, but not in an emo way. David Bazan accompanied by some incredibly talented musicians is what makes this album a huge hit in my eyes. If I were to name a favorite album off the top of my head this is what I would always think of. The song Magazine is one of my favorite songs. By far the best (to me) on this album. I just love the build up with the drums. No matter if I am driving, working, running, even riding my bike, I always drum along with this song. Every song seems to capture all of my attention. When listening to Control I can’t help but put things aside and pick apart each instrument. All the members are playing a different melody but somehow in the end they just blend together to create something so beautiful. The song Indian Summer has amazing lyrical imagery as well as the whole entire album. It is just like a story unfolding right before your……. ears. By far one of the best albums I have ever listened to. This will be a highly highly highly recommended album. I can’t find ONE bad thing about this album. It flows so well and when the album is finished you are wanting more. Just put this on repeat and enjoy!

Pedro The Lion –

What do you think of this album?